Meet Bobby Powers New VP of Sales
Can you introduce yourself and tell us your role at ARCA Supply?
- Name: Bobby Powers
- Job Title: Vice President of Sales
- Brief description of your role: Strategic leadership of our sales efforts aimed at building a more circular and sustainable future.
When did you join ARCA Supply?
- June of 2024
What do you enjoy most about working at ARCA Supply?
- The fast paced, collaborative culture! Every day is different and every day we have a chance for true success...very refreshing.
Can you share a memorable moment or achievement you’ve had at ARCA Supply?
- Definitely the mid-year ARCA Summit! The energy and passion that everyone shares for the company was on full display. Exciting to be a part of it.
What do you find most rewarding about your job?
- Without a doubt, the impact that we have on the environment. Creating the space and avenue for circularity leads to a more sustainable future and I LOVE that we are doing our part.
How does your role contribute to ARCA Supply’s mission of promoting a circular economy?
- As the VP Sales, it is my duty to lead with circular economy principles. Including these circularity principles in the DNA of any sales effort will be a primary focus.
What’s a typical day like for you at ARCA Supply?
- Working with our sales team and sales stakeholders to challenge status quo, customer and partner outreach, and continuous improvement/development tasks.
How do you and your team handle challenges at work?
- Communication and collaboration. It is very rare that one person has ALL of the answers. Creating a team first culture has led to efficiency gains when these challenges arise. Identifying solutions to our problems, instead of utilizing a band-aid approach that many companies lean on, helps provide significant efficiency gains long term.
Can you share a fun fact about yourself that your colleagues might not know?
- I once spun the "price is right" wheel on stage in front of 1,000+ people and had it land on $1.00 after calling my shot to the crowd. (not the live TV episode but the same wheel...still counts)
What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?
- Family first! Very invested husband and father of two active boys. I love golfing (never enough time though :-)) and I am a sports enthusiast. Orioles, Commanders, Terps, Capitals, and Wizards are squarely in my rooting interests. If you can't tell...I'm from Maryland.
If you could describe ARCA Supply in three words, what would they be?
- Circular Economy Elites
What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone interested in joining ARCA Supply?
- Be prepared to hit the ground running. In this environment we don't have 3-6 months of onboarding fluff and will need immediate impact makers and self starters who aren't nervous to get going with 60% of the needed information. Start fast, win fast!
How do you stay motivated and engaged in your role?
- My family does that for me. Being a husband and father doesn't really give me any leeway for laziness. The fear of underperforming and having that impact my family negatively is all the motivation needed.I also have a passion to keep growing my skill set and build upon my early career which creates a sense of urgency for me. Always striving towards that next "ladder rung" gives me a steady focus.
What’s your favorite product segment that ARCA Supply deals with and why?
- Electrical/Power as it is most closely tied to my previous world.
Do you have any closing thoughts or anything else you’d like to share?
- I am extremely thankful for the warm welcome that the team has shown me. The outreach and collaboration has been phenomenal and I can truly see why this company has had the success that it is has to this point. I look forward to doing anything and everything that I can to make sure that we keep the momentum going onward and upward. Extremely high level of confidence in this team and our ability to succeed.
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